Articles with #StopGovernmentOverreach

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#PrivacyUnderAttack #DigitalRightsInDanger #EFFector37 #StopSurveillanceState #ProtectYourDataNow #HumanRightsInTheAgeOfTech #OnlineFreedomFighters #Section702Exposed #MetaMonopolizingYourData #AppleBetrayingTrust #CivilLibertiesInPeril #TechForDemocracy #FreeSpeechMatters #OnlinePrivacyIsAHumanRight #StopGovernmentOverreach

Discussion Points

  1. Apple's Decision to Turn Off Advanced Data Protection in the UK: What are the implications of this decision on user privacy, and how can individuals protect themselves from potential data breaches?
  2. Limiting Meta's Ability to Collect and Monetize Personal Data: Is it effective in limiting data collection, or does it create more vulnerabilities for users? What are the long-term consequences of such measures?
  3. Government Spying on Americans via Section 702: What are the implications of this victory for human rights, and how can individuals protect themselves from government surveillance?


The EFFector newsletter highlights recent threats to online privacy and free expression. Apple's decision to turn off Advanced Data Protection in the UK raises concerns about user safety.

A guide is available on limiting Meta's data collection, but its effectiveness is debated. The EFF victory against government spying via Section 702 is a significant human rights win.

The newsletter provides updates, announcements, and stories on protecting online privacy and free expression. Subscribers can access future editions directly in their inbox or through the audio edition on the Internet Archive or YouTube.

EFF is here to keep you up-to-date with the latest news in the world of civil liberties and human rights online with our EFFector newsletter! This edition of the newsletter covers Apple's recent decis...

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#FreeThePress #ICEExposure #JournalismMatters #PressFreedomNOW #InvestigateICE #HoldThePowerAccountable #StopICEAbuses #WhistleblowerProtection #TruthToPower #FilmWithoutFear #ShineLightOnICE #StopGovernmentOverreach #TechForChange #FreeSpeechIsKey

Discussion Points

  1. Balancing Free Speech with Community Safety: How do individuals balance their constitutional right to film ICE agents with the potential risks to themselves and their community?r
  2. Consent and Safety Considerations: What measures can be taken to protect the privacy and well-being of those being filmed, particularly in situations where immigration status may be at risk?r
  3. Holding Law Enforcement Accountable: How can citizens effectively use video recording as a tool for promoting transparency and accountability within law enforcement agencies like ICE?


The First Amendment right to record law enforcement officers exercising their official duties in public is a constitutional right that has been recognized by federal courts and the Justice Department. However, it's essential to consider the potential risks and take precautions when filming ICE agents.

This includes staying calm and courteous, not interfering with the scene, and being aware of one's surroundings. Additionally, obtaining consent or blurring out faces in published videos can help protect individuals' privacy.

Filming can be a powerful tool for promoting transparency and accountability, but it's crucial to approach it responsibly and with caution.

Across the United States, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has already begun increasing enforcement operations, including highly publicized raids. As immigrant communities, families, allies, ...

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