Articles with #ProtectYourself

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#ScamAlert #VehicleWarrantyScams #FTCWarning #FinancialLosses #ProtectYourself #ScamPrevention #ConsumerAwareness #ExtendedWarrantyScams #AutoInsuranceScams #Don #BeAware #ScamVicims #ReportScam #StaySafeOnline #FTCReport

You’re not the only one getting voicemails about your car’s extended warranty. According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), about 2.6 million people submitted reports on falling v...

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#RansomwareAttack #Cybercrime #DarkWebEconomy #StubHubBackdoor #TaylorSwiftTickets #CybersecurityMatters #OnlineSafetyFirst #ProtectYourself #RansomwareProtection #CybersecurityTips #StaySafeOnline #ScamAlert #IllicitActivities #RegulatoryActions #CryptoExchangeSeized

Plus: The world’s “largest illicit online marketplace” gets hit by regulators, police seize the Garantex crypto exchange, and scammers trick targets by making up ransomware attacks....

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#CybersecurityWarning #LastPassBreach #KrebsOnSecurity #CryptoHeist #FinancialLoss #OnlineProtection #PasswordManagement #MasterPasswordHacks #InvestigationUnderway #LawEnforcementCooperation #CybercrimePrevention #ProtectYourself #StaySafeOnline #TechAuditsMatter #SecureYourData

In September 2023, KrebsOnSecurity published findings from security researchers who concluded that a series of six-figure cyberheists across dozens of victims resulted from thieves cracking master pas...

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#CyberSecurityMatters #PatchingProblems #SoftwareSafetyFirst #ProtectYourself #TechSupportAlert #GadgetSecurityUpdate #AIplumbingVulnerabilities #SmartHomeAtRisk #GovernmentResponseRequired #RegulatoryReformsNow #ResponsibleDev #DataBreachesAreReal #HackingIsAPriority #UpdateYourSoftware #StrongPasswordsMatter

The chipmakers patched bugs, mostly critical and high severity, that affect everything from smartphones to TVs to artificial intelligence platforms....

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#AIsecuritybreach #DataProtectionMatters #APIkeygate #PasswordExposed #CommonCrawlDataset #ArtificialIntelligenceModel #CybersecurityRisks #DataOwnershipConsequences #OrgsOnNotice #Re #UpdateAccessControls #SecurityPostureAudit #FoebustRegulationsNeeded #ProtectYourself #ProtectYourUsers

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  1. This content provides valuable insights about research.
  2. The information provides valuable insights for those interested in research.
  3. Understanding research requires attention to the details presented in this content.


The discovery of thousands of API keys and passwords in the Common Crawl dataset has significant implications for data security and ethics. The presence of this sensitive information in a publicly available dataset raises concerns about how it was obtained and who is responsible.

Researchers and organizations must take immediate action to protect their sensitive data when using publicly available datasets for training AI models. This includes implementing robust security measures and ensuring that all necessary permissions are in place.

The incident highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI models. Investigations will be conducted to determine how this happened, and steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Close to 12,000 valid secrets that include API keys and passwords have been found in the Common Crawl dataset used for training multiple artificial intelligence models. [...]...

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#MeaslesOutbreak #TexasHealthAlert #VaccinationMatters #PublicHealthWarning #StaySafeTexas #MeaslesPrevention #GetVaccinated #HealthOfficialAlert #MeaslesAwareness #CommunityFirst #VaccineHarmReduction #ProtectYourself #StopMeasles #CDCalert #ImmunizationMatters

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  1. r.
  2. The information provides valuable insights for those interested in health.
  3. Understanding health requires attention to the details presented in this content.


The recent measles outbreak in West Texas is causing concern among residents and healthcare officials. The number of cases has risen to 146, with 20 hospitalizations and one fatality reported.The rapid spread of measles highlights the need for increased vigilance and action to prevent further transmission.

It is crucial that individuals who have not been vaccinated take immediate action to protect themselves and their communities.The response to this outbreak must be multi-faceted, involving public health education, contact tracing, and quarantine measures to contain the spread of the disease. Community leaders and healthcare providers must work together to ensure that residents are informed and equipped to prevent the spread of measles.

At least 146 measles cases have been identified in West Texas so far, including 20 hospitalizations and one death....

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#CybersecurityMatters #GlobalThreats #FBIAlerts #CryptoRegulation #CorporateAccountability #DigitalSafety #ProtectYourself #SecureYourData #StayInformed #CyberattackConsequences #ByBitScandal #NorthKoreaHacks #DisneySecurityBreaches #SoftwareUpdatesMatter #PasswordManagementIsKey

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  1. r.
  2. The information provides valuable insights for those interested in environment.
  3. Understanding environment requires attention to the details presented in this content.


In recent weeks, a string of high-profile cyber attacks has left many wondering about the scope and sophistication of these operations. A malicious app download breached Disney, compromising sensitive information.

Meanwhile, the FBI has pinned the ByBit theft on North Korea, a nation already under scrutiny for its alleged involvement in various cyber crimes.However, attributing these attacks to specific nations or groups is becoming increasingly complex. As cybersecurity threats evolve, it's essential to recognize that malicious actors often operate from the shadows, making it challenging to pinpoint responsibility.The consequences of such attacks can be severe, with individuals and organizations facing significant financial losses and reputational damage.

It's crucial to acknowledge the need foobust cybersecurity measures to prevent and mitigate these types of incidents, ensuring a safer online environment for all.

Plus: The FBI pins that ByBit theft on North Korea, a malicious app download breaches Disney, spyware targets a priest close to the pope, and more....

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#RansomwareEvasion #CyberInsure #ThirdPartyRiskMatters #DataBreaches #InsuranceClaims #TechSafetyTips #CybersecurityNews #RansomwarePrevention #ProtectYourself #DataProtectionMatters #CybersecurityAwareness #InsuranceExposure #ThirdPartyBreach #CyberInsurerAlert #OnlineSecurityTrends

Discussion Points

  1. This content provides valuable insights about AI.
  2. The information provides valuable insights for those interested in AI.
  3. Understanding AI requires attention to the details presented in this content.


The growing phenomenon of ransomware has taken a significant toll on the global cybersecurity landscape, with an alarming number of claims filed by cyber-insurers. While cyber-insurers have reported a substantial rise in ransomware-related insurance claims, a closer examination reveals that the majority of losses stem from third-party breaches affecting policyholders.

This suggests that the primary concern lies not with the initial ransom demands, but rather with the far-reaching consequences of compromised third-party systems. As the cyber-insurance market continues to grapple with this issue, it is essential to consider potential implications for both policyholders and the industry as a whole.

This includes reevaluating existing insurance policies, investing in robust cybersecurity measures, and fostering greater collaboration between stakeholders to prevent future breaches.

Data collected by cyber-insurers show that ransomware accounts for the majority of insurance claims, but that much of the losses stem from third-party breaches affecting policyholders....

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#LummaStealer #StickyWerewolf #CybersecurityAlert #MalwareThreat #RussiaUnderAttack #BelarusUnderSiege #AngryLikho #UndocumentedImplant #HighSophistication #GeopoliticalMotives #LocalTies #KasperskyMonitoring #StayVigilant #ProtectYourself

Discussion Points

  1. The use of previously undocumented implants in malware delivery is a concerning trend, highlighting the need for constant monitoring and research into new attack vectors.
  2. The targeting of Russia and Belarus raises questions about potential state-sponsored involvement or regional tensions.
  3. The similarities between the tracked names "Angry Likho" and "Awaken Likho" suggest a possible connection to existing known malware families.


A new threat actor, Sticky Werewolf, has been linked to targeted attacks in Russia and Belarus. The attackers use a previously undocumented implant to deliver the Lumma Stealer malware.

The activity has been tracked by Kaspersky under the name "Angry Likho", which bears a strong resemblance to "Awaken Likho" - a known malware family. This connection suggests a potential link between the two.

The implications of this attack are concerning, particularly given the regional focus on Russia and Belarus. The use of previously undocumented implants highlights the need for constant monitoring and research into new attack vectors to stay ahead of emerging threats.

The threat actor known as Sticky Werewolf has been linked to targeted attacks primarily in Russia and Belarus with the aim of delivering the Lumma Stealer malware by means of a previously undocumented...

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#AIphishing #CryptoScams #DeepSeek #FakeWebsites #MalwareAlert #OnlineSecurity #PhishingAttack #ProtectYourself #TechSafety #Warning #WebSecurity #BeCautious #Cybercrime #Don #IdentityTheft

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  1. This content provides valuable insights about software.
  2. The information provides valuable insights for those interested in software.
  3. Understanding software requires attention to the details presented in this content.


The spread of fake websites has become a significant concern in the world of cybersecurity. These sites trick users into downloading malware that searches for personal information, particularly related to cryptocurrency.

The consequences of falling victim can be severe, including loss of funds and identity theft. To protect yourself, it's essential to verify the authenticity of websites, use secure connections, and be cautious when visiting suspicious sites.Protecting Yourself: By being aware of the risks and taking preventive measures, users can significantly reduce their chances of falling victim to fake websites.

This includes using reputable antivirus software, keeping operating systems and browsers up-to-date, and educating yourself on online safety best practices. Remember, it's always better to err on the side of caution when dealing with unfamiliar websites or suspicious activity.

The fake websites trick users into downloading and running malware that searches for personal information, especially anything related to cryptocurrency....

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