Articles with #OpenSourceSecurity

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#SkypeEndOfAnError #LegacyOfSecurity #E2EEForThePeople #MassesDeserveBetter #MessagingAppsGoneWrong #EncryptionMatters #SecureByDesign #SkypeShutsDownButNotSilence #FreeAndUnencumbered #Unbreakable #EndToEndEncrytptionForAll #NoMoreClosedEcosystems #OpenSourceSecurity #ThePeopleOverProfit #DecentralisedAndFree

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As requested:A Brief History of End-to-End Encryption in Messaging AppsThe development of secure messaging apps has come a long way since its inception. However, it's essential to acknowledge that some pioneers paved the way for modern encrypted communication.Skype, launched in 2003, was one of the first mainstream platforms to incorporate end-to-end encryption (E2EE) into its services.

This marked a significant shift towards prioritizing user security and privacy.Today, popular messaging apps like iMessage, Signal, and WhatsApp have built upon this foundation by making E2EE the default for their users. Their commitment to protecting user data and maintaining confidentiality has raised the bar for the industry as a whole.In summary, while some may argue that newer apps are more secure due to advancements in technology, it's crucial to recognize the significant contributions of Skype in laying the groundwork for modern encrypted communication.

The evolution of E2EE has led to a safer online experience for users worldwide.

iMessage, Signal, and WhatsApp have made E2EE the default for messaging, but Skype paved the way decades ago. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only. ...

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#CybersecurityMatters #VulnerabilityManagement #OpenSourceSecurity #SoftwareDevBestPractices #ThreatIntelligenceMatters #IncidentResponsePlan #ConsequencesOfInaction #ProtectingYourDigitalAssets #StayingAheadOfTheCurve #TrellixAutomation #ScaleSecurity #PatchManagement #ComplianceAndRegulatoryAdherence #CybersecurityForACause #VulnerabilityDiscoveryAndRemediation

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  2. The information provides valuable insights for those interested in AI.
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The staggering figure of over 61,000 vulnerabilities patched and counting is a stark reminder of the ever-evolving threat landscape in the digital world. This concerning reality highlights the need for collective action from companies, governments, and individuals to prioritize vulnerability patching and strengthen online defenses.The consequences of neglecting this responsibility can be severe, compromising sensitive information and putting entire ecosystems at risk.

As the number of unpatched vulnerabilities continues to climb, it is imperative that organizations and governments take swift and decisive action to address these gaps.By acknowledging the gravity of this situation and working together, we can build a safer digital future where trust and confidence are preserved. Effective cybersecurity measures must be implemented and sustained to safeguard against the ever-present threat of exploitation.

More than 61,000 vulnerabilities patched and counting...

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