Articles with #ImmigrationEnforcementMisuse

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#CaliforniaLaw #CLETSExploits #JusticeDepartmentFailsCalifornia #LosAngelesCountySheriffsDeptAbuses #PoliceMisconductInCalifornia #StateDatabaseExploits #TheDarkSideOfLawEnforcement #CaliforniaValuesAct #ImmigrationEnforcementMisuse #EFFInvestigations #Law #CADOJReport #DataProtection #AbusesOfPower #JusticeForCalifornia

Discussion Points

  1. Accountability in Law Enforcement: How can agencies ensure that their employees are held accountable for misuse of sensitive databases like CLETS? What consequences should be implemented for such violations?r
  2. Database Security and Oversight: What measures can be taken to prevent misuse of databases like CLETS, and how can states like California improve their oversight and transparency mechanisms?r
  3. Civil Liberties and CLETS Misuse: How does the misuse of CLETS data impact civil liberties, particularly in regards to immigration enforcement and personal vendettas? What implications do these actions have on trust between law enforcement and communities?


The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LACSD) has been accused of wholesale abuse of sensitive criminal justice databases, violating a specific rule against searching the data for concealed carry firearm permits. A report by EFF revealed 6,789 abuses by LACSD, with 24 officers suspended, six resigning, and nine fired.

The California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) contains sensitive information, and its misuse can have severe consequences. EFF has compiled data on CLETS misuse from 2019 to 2023 for public download.

California agencies are required to report misuse to the state Justice Department by February 1, but follow-up often takes several months.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LACSD) committed wholesale abuse of sensitive criminal justice databases in 2023, violating a specific rule against searching the data to run background ...

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