Articles with #FightForFreeExpression

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#FreeSpeechMatters #NCIIProtection #DeepfakeReform #ProtectOnlineSpeech #TechFreedomVsCensorship #UserPrivacyMatters #FightForFreeExpression #CensorshipHasNoPlaceInDemocracy

Discussion Points

  1. The TAKE IT DOWN Act's potential impact on free speech and user privacy, particularly in regards to the broad definition of non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII) and the lack of safeguards against frivolous or bad-faith takedown requests.
  2. The effectiveness of enforcing and improving existing civil and criminal laws addressing NCII versus implementing a new, potentially abused regime like the TAKE IT DOWN Act's notice-and-takedown system.
  3. The tension between protecting victims of privacy invasions and preserving legitimate forms of speech, such as satire, journalism, and political commentary that may involve intimate or sexual content.


The Senate passed the TAKE IT DOWN Act (S. 146), a bill aiming to speed up removal of non-consensual intimate imagery, including "deepfakes." Critics argue that the current draft threatens free expression, user privacy, and due process without addressing the issue it claims to solve.

The bill's broad definition of NCII and lack of safeguards against abuse could lead to censorship of legitimate speech. Instead of this approach, experts recommend focusing on enforcing and improving existing laws addressing NCII.

Users are urged to speak out against the bill in the House of Representatives and tell theiepresentatives to oppose it.

Earlier this month, the Senate passed the TAKE IT DOWN Act (S. 146), by a voice vote. The bill is meant to speed up the removal of non-consensual intimate imagery, or NCII, including videos that imita...

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#abolish #CopyrightIsNotAToy #DigitalOwnershipMatters #FairUseForAll #FightForFreeExpression #JoinTheFightForBetterCopyrightLaw #OpenPolicyNow #PropagateTheInternet #SaveOurRights #TechForPeopleNotCorporations #TinkerFreedom

Discussion Points

  1. The Need for Open and Inclusive Copyright Policy: The importance of involving users and stakeholders in the creation and review of copyright laws, ensuring that their concerns are represented and taken into account.r
  2. The Dangers of Overly Broad Copyright Enforcement: The risks of using copyright as a tool to silence free speech and expression, and the need for a balanced approach that protects both creators' rights and users' freedoms.r
  3. Device and Digital Ownership: A Matter of True Possession: The need for clear and transparent licensing agreements and technological restrictions that allow individuals to fully own and control their digital purchases.


As we enter Copyright Week, it's essential to acknowledge the unintended consequences of expanding copyright laws. The internet has made us aware of the impact on our lives, from removed content to restricted device use.

We must recognize that corporations pushing for expansion have made copyright a universal issue, not just an industry concern. Last year's defeat of SOPA/PIPA serves as a reminder that expanding copyright only serves the gatekeepers, not users.

This year, EFF and partners highlight five key issues: open policy, censorship, device ownership, preservation, and sharing. It's time to create a balanced approach that promotes creativity and innovation.

We're taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different eleme...

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