Articles with #AmazonWebServicesSecurity

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#AWSMisconfiguration #PhishingAttacksviaSES #WorkMailThreats #PaloAltoNetworksUnit42 #JavaGhostGroup #TGR-UNK-0011Cluster #AmazonWebServicesSecurity #CloudSecurityThreats #CybersecurityNews #ThreatActorTakedown #EmailPhishingCampaigns #AWSEnvironmentExploitation #CloudMisconfigurationAttacks #PhishingAttackviaWorkMail #JavaGhostConnection

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Threat actors are increasingly targeting Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments to launch phishing campaigns. This trend has been observed by Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which is tracking the activity cluster under the name TGR-UNK-0011.

The motivations behind this activity remain unclear, but it is believed to overlap with a group known as JavaGhost.The use of AWS environments as a launching point for phishing campaigns highlights the growing sophistication of cyberattacks. Threat actors are becoming more adept at exploiting vulnerabilities and manipulating unsuspecting targets.

As a result, it is essential for organizations to prioritize security measures and employee education.Organizations must take proactive steps to protect themselves from these threats. This includes implementing robust security protocols, conducting regular security audits, and ensuring that all employees are aware of the risks associated with phishing campaigns.

By taking these steps, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to such attacks.

Threat actors are targeting Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments to push out phishing campaigns to unsuspecting targets, according to findings from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42. The cybersecurity comp...

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