Articles Tagged: internet censorship

Showing 3 of 3 articles tagged with "internet censorship"


Discussion Points

  1. Balancing Copyright Protection with Free Speech: Discuss the tension between protecting intellectual property rights and allowing for free speech and creative expression online.
  2. The Impact of Broad Copyright Laws on Small Creators: Explore how overly broad copyright laws can stifle innovation and creativity among small creators, researchers, and journalists.
  3. The Role of End User License Agreements in Shaping Online Behavior: Analyze the influence of EULAs on users' behavior and the potential consequences for free speech and transparency online.


The current state of copyright law poses a significant threat to free speech and creative expression online. The fear of financial retribution can silence would-be speakers, even if their use is deemed legitimate.

This has led to researchers being intimidated into silence, and small creators being stifleed by overly broad laws. The imbalance of power between authors and mass media owners perpetuates a system that prioritizes the interests of the powerful over those of marginalized voices.

It is essential to reconsider the draconian nature of modern copyright law and strike a balance between protecting intellectual property and preserving free speech.

If you’ve got lawyers and a copyright, the law gives you tremendous power to silence speech you don’t like. Copyright’s statutory damages can be as high as $150,000 per work infringed, even if n...

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Discussion Points

  1. The importance of transparency and public input in the creation of new copyright laws, highlighting the concerns surrounding behind-closed-doors negotiations.
  2. The impact of current copyright laws on online freedoms, innovation, and the daily lives of internet users, particularly in relation to website-blocking and censorship.
  3. The need for a balanced approach to copyright policy that addresses both creators' rights and users' needs, ensuring that the internet remains a platform for creativity, innovation, and free expression.


The push for new copyright laws that would allow for vast censorship on the US internet is a threat to online freedoms and innovation. The movie studios' efforts to revive SOPA/PIPA-style legislation highlight the need for transparency and public input in lawmaking.

Current copyright laws already have a profound impact on the internet, affecting every online activity. Users must fight back against these attempts to create a censorship regime, emphasizing the importance of balancing creators' rights with users' needs.

The internet's future depends on ensuring that copyright policy promotes creativity, innovation, and free expression, rather than stifling them.

We're taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on differen...

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Discussion Points

  1. The Need for Open and Inclusive Copyright Policy: The importance of involving users and stakeholders in the creation and review of copyright laws, ensuring that their concerns are represented and taken into account.r
  2. The Dangers of Overly Broad Copyright Enforcement: The risks of using copyright as a tool to silence free speech and expression, and the need for a balanced approach that protects both creators' rights and users' freedoms.r
  3. Device and Digital Ownership: A Matter of True Possession: The need for clear and transparent licensing agreements and technological restrictions that allow individuals to fully own and control their digital purchases.


As we enter Copyright Week, it's essential to acknowledge the unintended consequences of expanding copyright laws. The internet has made us aware of the impact on our lives, from removed content to restricted device use.

We must recognize that corporations pushing for expansion have made copyright a universal issue, not just an industry concern. Last year's defeat of SOPA/PIPA serves as a reminder that expanding copyright only serves the gatekeepers, not users.

This year, EFF and partners highlight five key issues: open policy, censorship, device ownership, preservation, and sharing. It's time to create a balanced approach that promotes creativity and innovation.

We're taking part in Copyright Week, a series of actions and discussions supporting key principles that should guide copyright policy. Every day this week, various groups are taking on different eleme...

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