Articles with #ProtectingIndividualsOnline

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#EFFInConversation #ChasingShadowsBook #DigitalEspionageExposed #SurveillanceStateExposed #CitizenLab #SecurityMeetsPrivacy #DigitalAgeConversations #March10Conversation #ProtectingIndividualsOnline #BalancedApproachToSecurity #DigitalInvasionsRevealed #ShadowNetworksUncovered #CitizenLabAgainstTheDarkWeb

Discussion Points

  1. The Dark Underworld of Digital Espionage: How does Ron Deibert's book, Chasing Shadows, expose the tactics and methods used by cyber espionage actors, and what are the implications for global democracy and human rights?
  2. Protecting Democracy in the Digital Age: What role can organizations like Citizen Lab play in protecting individuals and communities from digital threats, and how can governments and institutions work together to address these issues?
  3. The Ethics of Cybersecurity Research: How do researchers like Ron Deibert navigate the complexities of conducting research on sensitive topics, and what are the potential consequences of exposing vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure?


Join EFF's Cindy Cohn and Eva Galperin in conversation with renowned cybersecurity expert Ron Deibert, author of the chilling new book Chasing Shadows. This in-person and virtual event at City Lights Bookstore will provide a front-row seat to the dark underworld of digital espionage, subversion, and cyber attacks on democracy.

Deibert's work has exposed vulnerabilities in government and NGO networks, and his research has been featured in prominent media outlets worldwide. The discussion will explore the implications of these findings for global security, human rights, and the future of cybersecurity research.

Join EFF's Cindy Cohn and Eva Galperin in conversation with Ron Deibert of the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, to discuss Ron’s latest book: Chasing Shadows: Cyber Espionage, Subversion and ...

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