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#TruesightSysDriver #Gh0stRATMalware #MalwareCampaign #WindowsSecurityThreats #EDR #SophisticatedAttack #CybersecurityAlert #ZeroDayExploit #AdliceProductSuite #WindowsDriverVulnerability #RATMalwareDelivery #DetectionEvasionTactics #MalleableDrivers #CheckPointResearch #WindowsInternalDriver

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The recent discovery of a large-scale malware campaign highlights the ongoing threat landscape in the cybersecurity world. A vulnerable Windows driver, linked to Adlice's product suite, has been exploited by attackers to deliver the Gh0st RAT malware.The attackers' approach is particularly noteworthy.

They have deliberately created multiple variants of the 2.0.2 driver by modifying specific parts while maintaining a valid signature. This tactic allows them to sidestep detection efforts and avoid being flagged as malicious.

By doing so, they can continue to infect systems without raising suspicions.This scenario underscores the importance of staying vigilant in the face of evolving malware tactics. As attackers continually adapt and modify their techniques, it's crucial for security professionals to remain aware of potential vulnerabilities and stay ahead of the threat curve.

A large-scale malware campaign has been found leveraging a vulnerable Windows driver associated with Adlice's product suite to sidestep detection efforts and deliver the Gh0st RAT malware. "To further...

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