Internet News


r EFF is upgrading its website license to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, highlighting the importance of open licensing in empowering creators to share their work widely. Open licenses like Creative Commons facilitate widespread distribution while protecting authors' rights. However, copyright laws often pose significant barriers, applying automatically and carrying heavy penalties. The new license addresses these concerns, ensuring clear attribution and credit for authors. By adopting this measure, EFF aims to promote a shared culture and make its content accessible to a broader audience, in line with its mission to advance digital freedom and creativity.

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The current state of copyright law poses a significant threat to free speech and creativity. The fear of financial ruin due to statutory damages can silence potential speakers, while the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's procedures make it easy for platforms to remove content at the behest of copyright owners. This creates an imbalance of power between authors and corporate interests, stifling market competition and contrary ideas. It is time to reevaluate the scope and implications of copyright law to protect both creators' rights and the public's right to express themselves freely. Reform is necessary to ensure a healthy cultural conversation.

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The Trump Administration's executive order suspending contracts with organizations providing freedom technologies has severe consequences for human rights and digital security worldwide. The EFF is urging reinstatement of support for these tools, which are critical for protecting individuals from censorship and surveillance. Examples include the Tor Project, Guardian Project, OONI, and Save App from OpenArchive. These projects have devastating human consequences if halted or curtailed, particularly in countries where they provide crucial protection against authoritarian regimes. The EFF calls for a reevaluation of these executive orders to ensure that digital rights are protected consistent with foreign policy objectives.

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The internet's inability to forget is both a blessing and a curse. While it allows for the preservation of history and facts, it also enables powerful individuals and organizations to manipulate public perception by erasing or altering information. Memory-holing tactics, such as copyright claims and "memory-chute" incinerator-like actions, are used to conceal mistakes, changes, or embarrassing truths. The Wayback Machine is a crucial tool in fighting this practice, preserving earlier versions of websites and content. It's essential to strike a balance between free speech and accountability, ensuring that accurate information is preserved for the public's benefit.

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Bumble's updated privacy policy has been met with criticism, as the company continues to burden users with navigating misleading settings and absorbing severe infosec gaps. A coalition of civil society organizations is fighting for comprehensive data privacy legislation in the US. In the meantime, users can protect themselves by reviewing login information, disabling behavioral ads, and linking Spotify accounts securely. However, some argue that these measures are insufficient, highlighting the need foegulatory oversight and proactive measures to ensure user safety, particularly for vulnerable groups seeking reproductive health care, survivors of intimate partner violence, and LGBTQ individuals.

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The article exposes concerns about crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) failing to prioritize client privacy. These centers often have anti-abortion stances and limited or no reproductive healthcare services, despite receiving significant federal and state funding. Researchers have filed complaints in several states, highlighting instances of misrepresentation and potential HIPAA violations. Many CPCs claim to follow HIPAA guidelines but may not be licensed medical clinics. regulatory agencies must take action to protect clients' confidentiality and ensure CPCs adhere to privacy regulations. Individuals seeking reproductive healthcare must be aware of these risks and verify a CPC's legitimacy before seeking services.

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The NO FAKES Act's safe harbor scheme poses significant risks to free speech and online expression. Platforms can avoid liability by removing allegedly unauthorized content upon notice, but this may lead to over-censorship and chilling effects on legitimate speech. The bill's provisions also create a complex and unpredictable regulatory environment, with harsh penalties for unintentional infringement. In contrast, the DMCA notice and takedown process has provided important protections for creators while also mitigating abuse risks through safeguards like counter-notices and user accountability mechanisms. A balanced approach is necessary to promote innovation and creativity while protecting IP rights.

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The LACSD has been found to have committed wholesale abuse of sensitive criminal justice databases, violating rules against searching the data for background checks on concealed carry firearm permits. The California Department of Justice reported 7,275 violations across the state in 2023, resulting in significant consequences for officers involved. The misuse of the CLETS system has raised concerns about transparency and oversight, highlighting the need for strongeegulations and accountability mechanisms. EFF's investigation into CLETS abuse has led to the compilation of data and will continue to shed light on these issues, promoting reform and accountability.

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As we enter Copyright Week, it's essential to address the growing concerns around copyright law and its impact on the internet. Major media companies are pushing for draconian censorship measures, ignoring the lessons of SOPA and PIPA, which were rejected by lawmakers in 2012. The new push for internet censorship laws threatens free speech, security, and the very fabric of the internet. Users must come together to demand a better approach, one that balances copyright enforcement with creativity, innovation, and useights. It's time to rethink the smoke-filled backrooms and involve ordinary users in shaping copyright policy.

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As we mark Copyright Week, it's clear that copyright is no longer a niche concern but a universal issue affecting everyone online. The expansion of copyright serves gatekeepers, not users, as seen in the defeat of SOPA/PIPA. EFF and partner organizations highlight five key issues: open copyright policy, preventing copyright enforcement as censorship, device and digital ownership, and preserving information and sharing. It's essential to address these concerns to promote creativity, innovation, and useights. By engaging in open dialogue and advocating for inclusive policies, we can create a more just and democratic approach to copyright law.

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