PicMaster promises users a one-stop-shop for image editing and manipulation. With an extensive list of features, including filtering, digital camera functionality, and 3D imaging, it appears to be a convenient alternative to Adobe Photoshop. However, upon closer inspection, concerns arise about the program's legitimacy, security, and compatibility with third-party plugins. The ability to create custom filters and automate tasks raises questions about user error and potential vulnerabilities. Users should exercise caution when using PicMaster, especially considering the thousands of third-party plugins available, which may compromise the program's stability and security.
Key Points
The comparison between PicMaster's features and Adobe Photoshop can be seen as misleading, as it implies that PicMaster offers the same level of sophistication and quality as a professional image editing software.
The ability to create custom filters and automate repetitive tasks using a command prompt raises concerns about user error and potential security vulnerabilities.
The fact that thousands of third-party plugins are compatible with PicMaster may lead to compatibility issues, malware infections, or other security risks.
The multi-talented PicMaster promises you quick and easy image editing. Main features are: Image Editing, Filtering, Digital Camera, WebCam, Slide Shows, 3D Images, Video Image Capturing, Scanning, Catalogs, Screenshots, Poster Printing and much more... Thousands of Photoshop compatible filter plugins from the Internet can be included into PicMaster. Over 1000 are already included. You can even create your own filters.
Save your slide show on a self running cd, as a screen saver or as a website. Morph people into other people or animals. Enlarge people’s noses and ears. Create real 3D-Images that can be seen with mirrors and red-blue glasses. Watch 3D-objects emerge out of your monitor. All commands can also be entered, saved and executed at a command prompt so that repeated operations can be automated. For example print out all pictures of a folder with only one command. With the possibility of previewing all operations, PicMaster becomes a very comfortable program for you.