A user seeks alternatives to essential oil diffusers due to concerns about their cat's health. They are introduced to the ASUS Fragrance Mouse, a wireless gaming mouse with a refillable scent vial. The product's marketing and design raise questions about the intersection of technology, fragrance, and animal well-being. As the user contemplates this new option, they recall a personal experience with their cat's behavior, highlighting the complexities of balancing individual preferences with responsibilities towards pets. This scenario sparks discussion about the responsibilities that come with caring for animals and the role of novelty products in our lives.
Key Points
r 1. The role of fragrance in daily life, particularly for pets and their owners.r 2. The rise of alternative scented products in the market, such as the ASUS Fragrance Mouse.r 3. The tension between personal preferences and animal well-being.
"The cat is the fragrance, Nic," Ollie once told me when I asked the RPS Slack channel for alternatives to my essential oil diffuser, which I can no longer use for fear of my cat getting vanilla scurvy or lavender botulism or whatever else. I contemplated those words last night when she pounced into bed with me, curled up, and serenaded me to slumber with a briney fart. I remembered them again this morning when I learned of the ASUS Fragrance Mouse (thanks, Percy Gamer.)
The mouse is ergonomic, wireless, and comes in plain or pink ("Iridescent White or Rose Clay"). Its innards house a refillable vial for scent oils. It features "delicate underglow lighting," a sell that would be easier to make fun of if most gaming hardware wasn't illuminated by a choice of either energy drink piss green or antiseptic gel blue.