Microsoft appears to be working on 3D gaming experiences for Copilot

AI Analysis

Microsoft is reportedly expanding its AI-powered chatbot platform, Copilot, to include 3D gaming experiences. A new job listing has been published, seeking a senior software engineer with expertise in 3D rendering engines commonly used in web browser-based video games. This move could potentially elevate Copilot's capabilities beyond conversational interfaces, but the implications for its intended use cases are unclear.The integration of 3D gaming into Copilot raises questions about the platform's potential uses and the broader impact on the gaming industry. As a chatbot, Copilot is already being used to assist users with various tasks; adding 3D capabilities could further blur the lines between gaming and productivity applications.Concerns surrounding the use of Babylon.js, three.js, and Unity in a chatbot platform are also warranted. These engines are typically associated with complex, resource-intensive games, and their adoption in Copilot may raise concerns about performance, security, and overall user experience.

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Original Article

Microsoft appears to be working on 3D gaming experiences for Copilot, its AI-powered chatbot platform, according to a new job listing. The listing, published this week, seeks a senior software engineer based in Beijing specializing in 3D rendering engines, particularly engines typically used to build web browser-based video games (Babylon.js, three.js, and Unity). “Are you […]

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