Nokia Put a 4G Cellular Network on the Moon but Couldn’t Make a Phone Call

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In 2019, Nokia announced plans to deploy a 4G network on the lunar surface as part of a feasibility study for future human missions. The ambitious project aimed to test the capabilities of mobile communication systems in a low-gravity, radiation-rich environment.Despite initial enthusiasm, the project faced significant technical challenges, including the harsh lunar environment and the immense costs involved. These obstacles led to the cancellation of the project, leaving many questions unanswered about its feasibility.The failure of this experiment serves as a cautionary tale for future space missions. It highlights the need for thorough testing and planning in extreme environments and underscores the complexity of establishing reliable communication systems on the moon.

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Nokia’s Lunar Surface Communications System was supposed to be the first 4G network deployed on the moon and a test for future crewed missions. Things didn’t go to plan.

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